I am married to my other-half MAS NURHAYATI HAJJAR on 23rd Decmber 2001. We were blessed with our first daughter NURDINI ADRIANA (dob: 24th September 2002). Then our second son MOHD DANISH IMRAN (dob: 18th June 2004). Next is our third son MOHD DARWISY IMAN (dob: 14 June 2006). Our fourth is my daughter NURDAFINY ADLYA (dob: 3rd February 2009). Currently, our fifth is our daughter NURDAYINI ADYNA (dob: 01st November 2010). Up to this day, we are looking forward for our sixth in 2012... (God Bless...)
It seems that God always act in His mysterious ways to tell us something... Kami redha dengan ketentuanNya...
My wife got miscarriage of our 6th baby... I am sad and cant control my emotion when i got the news. But my boys have given him the name: he was Mohd Darrish Irfan... I just pray that we can meet him at akhirat... Insya allahhhhh